Why Small Businesses Should Use Enterprise Content Management Software

by | Nov 19, 2019 | Computers

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Enterprise content management software was traditionally used only by big companies to reduce costs and improve efficiency. Today, however, ECM systems can now provide small businesses some of the same benefits.

What Is ECM Software?

ECM software is designed to help companies organize, manage and distribute multiple streams of unstructured content. This can include documents, images, product information, emails and web pages.

The software allows the company to store, track, edit and collaborate on all information-related projects, including content creation. It does all of this while adhering to established security protocols.

Why Should Small Businesses Care About ECM?

What important action does your business undertake every year between the first of February and mid-April? You and your accountant are preparing your taxes.

Why does it take so long to complete this task? If you are like most small businesses, your records are a mix of paper and digital. It normally involves trying to find paperwork that was filed over a year ago. The process consumes valuable time that could be spent running your business.

How Do You Purge Old Records?

ECM will automatically remove old files after any governmental time frame requirements. Old files could cause serious legal issues if not destroyed properly.

Is ECM Affordable for Small Businesses?

ECM software is quite affordable for small businesses. Although ECM was once only used by industry giants, industry growth and competition have helped lower the costs of the systems.

ECM has a proven track record. Large institutions, including those in the government, medical, financial and educational sectors, have saved tremendous amounts of time and money using the software. It has also helped to significantly reduce their legal liability.

Remember, ECM is designed to assist your business to run more efficiently and improve employee productivity. Your bottom line will benefit for years to come. To learn more about how enterprise content management software can benefit your business, contact OpenKM online.

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